Cornelius, Sohei & my Army Chaplaincy call

A Modern-Day Cornelius Story of a Chaplain serving Soldiers (Acts 10).

Welcome, I wanted to take a few minutes to explain my Army Chaplaincy call…

About ten years ago, I read the story of Cornelius.  This ancient story inspired me and is the vision of my Army Chaplain’s service in the world we live in. This story begins with an Italian Captain or Centurion, named Cornelius who is an outsider to the early Jewish-Christian community. And yet, this Soldier grew in his faith and became a servant-leader to this community. It is a story about ethnic, religious and social diversity. A story about extending a hand of hospitality toward outsiders of our circle of trust. A story about servant-leadership. A story about Jesus bringing visions of hope and redemption between diverse people. A story of belonging and becoming of a Soldier named Cornelius…

Another historical story inspired my vision of Army Chaplain’s service is the story about Japanese warrior-monks called, “Sohei.”  In short, the Sohei were Buddhist monk warriors of feudal Japan. They were organized armies based out of specific temples(much like members of a monastic order).  This story reminds me of how Chaplains are both warrior-monks serving both country and God. A honorable calling that Chaplains don’t take lightly. And so, our site’s design has a Japanese theme based on this story to inspire: 1) me, that I as a Chaplain am both a warrior and a monk, an Army officer and a Chaplain; and 2) us, that we are patriotic Soldiers serving our country and devoted followers of Christ serving our God. May we inspire others to serve both God and country.

oikos Cornelius exist where devoted Soldiers generously serve through creative arts and diversity of graces while being hospitable toward one another in community. Our community statement, “a place where radical Soldiers (and friends) to belong in redemptive community becoming servant-leaders in the global community making this world a better place for our grandchildren.” Our motto: “A Place to Belong~A Place to Become.

Thank you for joining the oikos Cornelius community in a shared-journey of hospitality, faith-talk and java-life experiences.

Pro Deo Et Patria,

JD Sims (Click for a brief biography)

~Cornelius story, Acts 10~

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